شاندونغ قانون حماية البيئة

Shandong tyre manufacturer

مرسوم شاندونغ لحماية البيئة

In Jan 2019, “مرسوم شاندونغ لحماية البيئة” بدأ تنفيذ الرسمي.

وفقا لأحكام هذا المرسوم, التلوث الثقيلة فترة الطوارئ الطقس, لرفضها وقف للحد من شركات الإنتاج, يمكن أن تتخذ الاستيلاء, طاقة الرياح وغيرها من التدابير.

ويعتقد بعض المحللين أن قانون يهدف إلى منع بشكل فعال لا تزال وحدات الصرف الصحي لسرقة إنتاج النفايات. المطاط, إطار العجلة, وغيرها من الصناعات الملوثة الكيميائية عالية ويكون لها تأثير أكبر.


ال “قوانين” أحكام المادة الثانية والعشرين, large and significant, particularly significant environmental emergencies, or in the heavily polluted weather emergency period, not shut, stop the discharge, and other measures to limit production in accordance with the requirements to the emission of pollutants, the relevant departments can be in accordance with the law on business related facilities, equipment, goods seized, take compulsory administrative measures seizure.


“قوانين” also stipulates that the people’s governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments shall make a decision according to law, shall be ordered to suspend production or business or close the sewage units, can be taken to suspend the production requirements of power supply enterprise electricity measures, power supply enterprises shall cooperate.

بالاضافة, non-ferrous metal smelting, petroleum processing, coking, chemical industry, printing and dyeing, electroplating, leather and other enterprises closed down, relocation or changes in land use, shall formulate cleanup and disposal of residual contaminants.

The disposal of sewage, toxic and harmful gases, industrial solid waste, radioactive sources and radioactive waste, and its storage and disposal facilities and places to carry out safety processing.


Enterprises and institutions and other production operators have one of the following acts, it shall be ordered to make corrections by subject to fines, refuses to correct, the administrative organ may be ordered to correct the receipt of the decision, according to the original penalty consecutive daily fines:

One is more than emission standards or exceed the total discharge of major pollutants emission pollution control index;

The two is without obtaining emission permits in accordance with the requirements of the illegal discharge of pollutants;

The three is through the underground pipe, seepage wells, pits, filling or tampering, forgery monitoring data, or not the normal operation of pollution control facilities to avoid regulation of pollutant emission mode;

Four is the environmental impact assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the examination and approval of construction projects, which started construction without approval;


The five is not to take corresponding preventive measures of hazardous waste, hazardous waste caused by leakage or cause other environmental pollution;

The sixth is in violation of the provisions of the prevention and control of radioactive pollution, إنتاج, sale, use, transfer, import, storage of radioisotope or ray devices; other 7 is implemented on a daily basis as prescribed by laws and regulations for punishment.

Shandong Environmental Protection Ordinancewas amended in November 2018 30 by the thirteenth people’s Congress of the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee issued.